October 14, 2002 - First solo roadtrip had a stop in Salida, Colorado. I’d spent New Year’s Eve during Y2K out there and had a great time I’m told, so I returned. On this trip I explored San Isabel National Forest with my friend Scotty. Here he is making me nervous with his proximity to the edge.

A man stands dangerously close to the edge of the side of a rocky cliff in Colorado - Sony Cybershot

October 13, 2013 - Behind the scenes making a cover of a single for a song by Kelley Deal and special friend (who was Lil Bub). Stream Shirtcrush on your platform of choice.

A pane of glass with the word SHIRTCRUSH made of stickers. Light projects through the glass and casts shadows with the word on a red t-shirt. Olympus E-M5

October 12, 2017 - Casey at Blink, Cincinnati’s festival of light and art (that is happening again really soon!)

Bearded man in profile in a fake fog and colored lighting - Leica Q

October 11, 2007 - My sister, beaming. On this day she got her wings and a union pin, part of a ceremony for becoming a flight attendant. I loved quizzing her on airport codes to get ready for the test.

My sister (looking at the camera) sits at a ceremony to get her certification to be a flight attendant - Canon 20D

October 10, 2015 - Wendy’s mom catches me taking a photo in the kitchen during Farm Day, a yearly event with some of the best potluck dishes on the planet.

A busy kitchen filled with folks and potluck, Wendy's mom is in the left of the frame smiling at the camera - Sony RX100

October 9, 2008 - Barack Obama rally at the Dragons Baseball Field in Dayton, Ohio.

Barak Obama walks out to podium in a baseball field, Dayton, Ohio - Canon 20D

October 7, 2018 - A conversation with Miranda July and Kelly Gallagher at the Woodward Theater as a part of Fotofocus. Among the topics, Joanie 4 Jackie — an underground film network for girls and women that began as a chainletter on VHS.

Miranda July and Kelly Gallagher discuss lens based art in Cincinnati - Olympus E-M5

October 6, 2020 - Northside Yacht Club in Cincinnati keeps folks smiling & fed with specials like bringing Nihlist Arby’s tweet to life, “Drain the blood, cure and slice the flesh, season and fry the potatoes, feed them the sugar water. Be born. Toil. Die. Arby’s. We sell food.”

Arby's hat logo but the words say Nothing on signs outside an establishment called Northside Yacht Club - Sony RX100

October 5, 2008 - Miss Oktoberfest and runners up wave from their float in the Minster Ohio Oktoberfest parade.

Ladies in German Dutch garb ride a float with a windmill pulled by a man driving small vehicle decorated as a wooden shoe - Canon 20D

October 4, 2013 - Jason Snell gets the crowd pumped up with Ohio Knife before a talk from Aaron James Draplin during Cincinnati Design Week at Rhinegeist Brewery.

A crowd of folks with fists and beer in the air while Ohio Knife plays rock music at a brewery for a design conference with Aaron James Draplin speaking - Olympus E-M5

October 3, 2006 - Website navigation made with masking tape, manilla envelopes, a tiny Post-It® and a stamp that says Wire & Twine

Navigation design for a website made with manilla envelopes, a tiny Post-It® and a stamp that says Wire & Twine - Canon 20D

October 2, 2015 - Getting my haircut at Tiny Tina’s in Ludlow, Kentucky. I asked to take a photo on her birthday and she insisted I was in it.

Me in a barber chair taking a selfie with my barber Tiny Tina who was celebrating her birthday - Sony RX100

October 1, 2022 - Sometimes the outtakes really sum things up.

The groomsmen exit their wedding while the party looks on, smiles all around - Leica Q

September 30, 2017 - Walking in Northside with a camera strapped around my shoulder & these gentlemen asked if I was a photographer. “I just take photos for fun” then they asked for a portrait. I was happy to oblige. (If anyone knows them, holler! I emailed it back then but it bounced back!)

Three gentlemen sit at an outdoor bar with snifters of beer - Leica Q

September 29, 2016 - This juxtaposition of tree and El Camino makes me think of a moment in the movie Harold and Maude when Maude decides to rescue a tree from the city.

Orange El Camino parked next to a tree - Leica Q

September 28, 2019 - 80’s Prom fundraiser up at McGuffey Montessori in Oxford.

Me and Casey dressed up in 80's outfits for a fundraiser - iPhone 11

September 27, 2006 - The second year of ’So You Think You Can Dance‘ was so good they put the show on the road with the top 10 dancers. Caught ’em at the Aronoff Center and it was fabulous (and they let me take a Canon 20D in… times were different then!)

SYTYCD performs Thriller live on stage - Canon 20D

September 26, 2013 - Painting a mural outside Junker’s Tavern in Northside

A person starts a mural on the outside of a bar - Sony Cybershot

September 25, 2016 - Ben Jason Neal, Melissa Mitchell and Janet Creekmore turned a vintage trailer into a traveling art gallery.

Three folks stand by a travel camper turned into art gallery - Leica QArt inside the gallery

September 24, 2016 - Added my Polaroid selfie to the wall at Candyland Recording Studio in Dayton, Kentucky. I’m also still with her.

<img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/4088/2024/092416-l1070334.jpg" width=“600” height=“399” alt=“Polaroid with me and the handwritten words “I’M WITH HER” - Leica Q”>

September 23, 2016 - Filming in Over the Rhine with Taylor Dorrell for People’s Liberty

Reflection of person filming with digital camera in window of Dodge Diplomat - Leica Q

September 22, 2005 - Cincinnati, Ohio - The National perform live in the WOXY lounge

Devendorf, Dessner, Berninger of the National perform in the WOXY lounge in Cincinnati - Canon 20D

September 21, 2015 - Pulled out this Maxell cassette to use for an Open G Records concert poster. (I used a pencil to save the tape.)

Maxell tape pulled from the cassette and formed into a treble clef - Olympus E-M5The poster for A modern Classical Mixtape

September 20, 2021 - A collection of buckeyes my brother was drying out on the dining room table — so much luck in store! (New to me: Native Americans named these seeds for their resemblance to the eyes of male deer, known as bucks.)

Buckeye seeds drying on a black and white table runner with diamond design - Leica Q

September 19, 2010 - Luang Prabang, Laos - Monks move through the streets at dawn in saffron robes with collection bowls to collect morning alms from local Buddhists (usually sticky rice). Known as Tak Bat (or Sai Bat), the ceremony is conducted in total silence as a form of meditation.

Monks walk through the streets of Luang Prabang in saffron robes with bowls for rice as a morning meditation - Canon 5D Mark II