Save A Lot Food Store in Northside, Cincinnati

Save A Lot Food Store in Northside, Cincinnati
April 2, 2007 Cross and cell tower - Trenton, Ohio
April 1, 2012 Chevy Impala, corner of Mission and 24th, San Francisco
March 30, 2010 Annie Clark (St. Vincent) performs at Memorial Hall during the fifth MusicNow Festival
March 29, 2013 14th and Clay St. No idea what that man is doing, but that bricked up building to the right of the stop sign would turn into a restaurant space for Please, and now Nolia Kitchen
March 28, 2006 Celebrating a third birthday and showing off computer skills
March 26, 2017 Closing of the Kmart in Portsmouth, Ohio.
March 25, 2018 Exploration with smoke bombs for an album cover design.
March 24, 2011 BTS - Kelley holds up the inks we used to print a poster for R.Ring, a band she’s in with Mike Montgomery.
March 23, 2017 Checkout at the drug store with vapes, magazines and gift cards
March 22, 2003 McDonald’s drive-thru menu featuring McRib, Shamrock Shake, New Premium Salads and the Dollar Menu. (Sony Cyber-Shot)
Yesterday I bought my first new car in 11 years. I wanted as many components to be manual as possible.